K2 – sheet


Cost Price of K2 Sheet:

$100 per sheet.

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K2 – sheetalso referred to as Spice or unreal marijuana, be a type of new psycho substance (NPS) that contain varying synthetic cannabinoids. These chemicals ain’t naturally occurring in cannabis but be produced in laboratories. K2 be often vend as herbal scent or packed in glossy packets and labeled as “not for humans eating.” It can be smoked in pipes or bongs, vaporized using e-cigarettes, or even ingested.

The effect of K2 be unpredictable and vary greatly depend on the certain chemicals used and the dosage Some regular side effect include extreme anxiousness, confuse, paranoid, hallucinations, rapid heart rate, vomit, seizures, faint, kidney failure, and reduce blood supply. These harmful health effect can lead to serious consequence such as misdemeanors for possession or sell, fines up to $100,000 for dealer under federal law, shutter of business or eviction due to public nuisance, suspend of dealer licenses, and even death.

K2 be often promote as a legal alternative to marijuana and be easy accessible online or on the street. However, it be important to note that K2 be not marijuana and its chemical constituents ain’t well understand. This lack of knowledge concerning the biological effect of K2 makes it hard to detect using standard urine toxicology screen commonly use in drug testing program such as probation or parole. Furthermore, tolerance and dependence on K2 can develop quickly lead to compulsive use and addiction.

The usage of K2 have be link to numerous health issue include severe bleed in some case result in death. For example, there be reports of over 100 overdose in New Haven Connecticut due to K2 usage which cause difficulty breathe, speed heart rate, vomit, and collapse individual in New Haven Green park. Similar incident have be report cross Chicago Illinois where 56 case of severe bleeding result in four death.

Despite these risk associate with K2 usage, it continue a like substance among certain population due to its relatively low cost compared to other drug like marijuana or opioids. The ease of access through online sales and street vendor also contribute to its widespread usage despite effort by law enforcement agency to crack down on trafficking and sales.
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k2 sheet

1 sheet, 16 sheet, 2 sheet, 4 sheet, 8 sheet


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